GUANGDONG, SZ (December 11, 2014) – The government of New Delhi officially announces all taxis must installed GPS system. As we all know rape cases ratio in India always occupying a high place in the worldwide. Such as one reported that a University female student was raped publicly by all the men in a bus and none to rescue her. Actions have been taken to protect women and girls’ personal right. According to the local news report, after a 27-year-old woman being raped by the driver in a Taxi 10th December in New Delhi, Madhya Pradesh Government officially promulgate a decree that GPS-based Tracking system mandatory for each taxis.
As the state minister for transport Bhupendra Singh said on Wednesday that “Instructions have already been issued to all Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) to ensure the installation of GPS navigation systems in all taxis. The RTOs have been asked to confirm registration of all taxi operators and police verification of drivers working for them.” The minister seriously mentioned and emphasized the point that the importance of installation GPS Tracking system in local taxis. Only in mandatory way drivers’ movement could be tracked and monitored, and once the accidents happened detailed position data could be simultaneously send to the platform center.
Actually, not only taxis should be installed with GPS tracking system, other vehicles should also follow this kind of decree to better manage the transportation environment.