(Shenzhen, China) – It was said that the domestic violence occurrences appears to be improving in Australia and most of offenders are recidivism according to the research carried by the Government of Australia in 2014. What surprising us is that, in terms of ABS data, the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research found that less than half of all respondents who had been the victim of a domestic assault in the previous 12 months reported the incident to the police. Older victims, those who were married and victims of assaults that did not involve weapons or serious injury were less likely to report to police.
Since the mid-1980s increased attention has been focused on the role of police in intervening and preventing domestic violence. The police and criminal justice systems in Australia are commonly criticized for not treating domestic violence matters seriously enough. The police response is not only vital for the immediate safety of the victim but also conveys an important social message about the way in which violence against women and children is regarded by society.
Targeting to suppress the happening rate and widespread of domestic violence, numerous actions and laws have been implemented by the Australian government and the Prime Minister. “We should be prepared to look at all sorts of new initiatives and new measures, particularly to deal with repeat offender”, said by Prime minister Abbot.
Thus a GPS tracker which is worn on the ankle of the offender is recommend by the Government, which they say this kind of device can at least surveil offenders’ behaviors and movements. Geo-fences can be set to better restrict the daily activity range of those offenders. Once they exit the digital map an alarm will be generated. If any tentative actions referring to getting rid of this ankle GPS tracker a drop alarm will be trigged immediately. And meanwhile this portable GPS tracker can realize real-time location query anytime and anywhere, in case of offenders getting out of the control of jurisdiction organization, related law-executors can easily get all those whereabouts of escaped criminals.
Domestic violence is a long standing, complex social issue. Since the 1990s, however, there has been a profound transformation in public awareness about this problem. Domestic violence is no longer beyond the reach of governments or the sanction of communities. A greater evidence base, in terms of what works in violence prevention, is necessary for further progress.