Meitrack’s Fight Against the COVID-19 Outbreak

COVID-19, a global public health crisis, has spread rapidly and reached nearly every continent, which severely affects the work and life of people around the world. After the outbreak, Meitrack tries its best efforts to contribute what it can afford to some parts of the world by joining the COVID-19 IoT Alliance.

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We are ready to provide our cutting-edge technology and resources to track, monitor, and manage infected people, susceptible people, frontline medical personnel, medical protection materials and vehicles, and record their travel routes regularly, thus preventing the spread of the virus worldwide and ensuring global public health security.

Services We can Provide:

  • Healthcare monitoring solutions.
  • Transportation monitoring solutions.
  • Hardware at a heavy discounted price.
  • Free product training and 7/24 technical supports.
  • Free medical masks with product shipments.

The facts nowadays have once again proven that mankind is a community with a shared future, and we should make joint efforts to win the fight against the disease. We are confident that with all human beings in this planet working together, we can survive the pandemic and win final and total victory over the virus.

About COVID-19 IoT Alliance

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We are the IoT and Telematics companies willing to synergize in the face of the COVID-19 invasion to minimize its consequences for humanity and the global economy.

We join forces in order to help national governments, municipalities, NGOs, and other enthusiastic groups across the globe harness the spread of the coronavirus by developing effective complex (hardware + connectivity + software) technological solutions aimed at monitoring and regulating the movement or location of people, assets, and vehicles, controlling the state of protected areas and objects, ensuring public safety, and more.

How to Spread the COVID-19 IoT Alliance
More announcement about the COVID-19 IoT Alliance, You can also follow this page.
If you know anyone struggling to build a solution to fight the coronavirus outbreak in a particular country or region, please encourage them to contact us. We’d be happy to consult!

Please also subscribe to the updates on Facebook and LinkedIn and share our news.

Note: If you are seeking our help through this alliance, please note “COVID-19 IoT Alliance“.

Tel: +86 (755) 8346 2818
Fax: +86 (755) 2383 2013
Skype: meitrack


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